Quote for the day!

Psalm 30:5 Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Well it's Wednesday and I have been working on some Trees...I know I know it's not Christmas but these don't just have to be for Christmas. Although the ones I was working on were. Today I'm gonna work up a sheep tree...Everyone loves those adorable little sheep. I have got to get busy on my projects for the mags...I am waiting on paint which is never fun. How bout I post my trees so you can take a look tell me what ya think. Ok i'll take some pics...give me a minute. Ok here goes my pics enjoy. See I'm doing something. Well have a great day and oh wait UPS is here maybe it's my paint....Whewhoo I can't wait hold on let's go see..Nevermind he went to the neighbors. Shoot I don't know if Browns on my side...hehe Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Good afternoon everyone it is a beautiful day here in Southern California. It is a bout 71 outside and I love it. Can't say I have been painting at all but I have been getting ready for a garage sale coming up this weekend. It will be a neighborhood sale so everyone come that is around. It is in Scripps Ranch which is located in San Diego California. Here is a link for directions http://sandiego.craigslist.org/csd/eve/622985100.html. Just copy and paste it and put in your tool bar. Or google Scripps Ranch Garage sales. I will have some of my painted items as well as other things that I put together. I actually got some things organized this weekend getting ready for the garage sales. So maybe it will be easier to get around in that paint room and get paintin...

Heres a tip for the day...What I use for staining my muslin or cardstocks or hang tags. I get a large stew pot fill it with water add 2 tea bags, coffee and vanilla it makes a great stain then I bake it or dry it on 200 in the oven. Not too long though because you'll burn up your products...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Whats Today TUESDAY....

I have been playing with this stinking computer all day trying to figure out how to link a pic to the website with my products. I finally figured it out after 3 hours ughhhh....I have been working on my gourds and I got the bottoms glued on so I can get started painting. I have 8 gourds let's see what I can come up with.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The weekends almost over...

Hello everyone and thanks for checkin out my blog. I have been busy this week and haven't posted very much. I am working on my gourds I got them all cleaned inside and out. I am going to be making some bird houses....That will be fun. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to comment me. I am always looking to see what people like. I am going to be doing some Americana, some spring ones, and if you can think of something that you would like painted let me know and I'll try to accomidate you. Please remember to check out www.oldprimitivesisters.com. Many many beautiful items on there by many many talented ladies.
Witty thoughts for the day: "If you lose your temper, you’ve lost the argument."- Proverb

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hear Ye Hear Ye!

What have you done today? I arose at 5:30 a.m to get the little one...Then I sat on the couch and relaxed for a little while. I didn't get to wash gourds yesterday cause the little guy was fussy he wanted all my attention. I don't think he felt too good. I did although start an etsy acct. Which means I will also be listing my creations on there to sell as well. I use to be on ebay but well I am sure alot of you know all about that. So hopefully the little guy will be in a good mood today and I can do some painting and listing. I am almost finished with a lighted bucket. It has a gardening angel on it which is above a white picket fence with her watering can. I'll post pics of it today. I promise.
I'm gonna have to think of some funny things and maybe a contest any ideas? I thought of some on my way to sleep but well lost them when I went to sleep. Have a great day!

How about something inspiring for the day!

"Destiny is not a matter of change, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."- William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)

Tuesday....that's it wheres Friday when you need it...

Hello everyone. Today is a new day. I am washing up gourds again to get started on my birdhouses and lamps. I will be posting the stages and the process so you can learn or maybe even post some hints to me to make things easier. I start out with an old wash tub and some Dawn and bleach...then I scrub them with a wire old pot scrubber seems to work the best. Once I get all the grime scrubbed off I set them out to be rinsed and dried. Oh so much fun...I'll post pics of before and after this afternoon. I will also post some of my pieces that I have already done my create and decorate article.

This is what I have listed on http://www.oldprimitivesisters.com/.

This is a lantern that I painted and sold on ebay. I do alot of these lanterns. They are really cute on a mantle...


I'll be posting some things later on I just thought I would give you an idea of some of what I do. Have a great day....Keep looking for Friday I know it's out there somewhere....

Monday, April 7, 2008

Good afternoon everyone. This blogging is new for me. I am just gonna jump right in.
My name is Linda Akin I am a sort of self taught artist. I have been faithfully painting for the last 7 years. When I was a child my grandmother tried teaching me to paint but I just couldn't get it. So I got frustrated and said forget it. I took art in jr high and highschool so I am sure it helped me learn certain things that I now use. At the time I thought I would never need. My grandmother was taught by her mother whom was an actual art teacher. She has paintings and students all over South Texas. My grandmother passed away in June of 2000. I decided I would take a rather large collection of unpainted gourds and her books and paints with me to Ohio. Well I sat on them for awhile and then one day I decided why not lets try it. I pulled out a book that had snowman gourds in it and started painting I would just follow the directions. I decided I would show my neighbor and she loved them and wanted me to make her 2...So I did then my other neighbor wanted 5...Then I decided hey maybe I have something here! Took some down to Charm Ohio and a store called Ole Mill Crafts there purchased 20. Hints the name for my business became Grama's Gourds...which then evolved into Grama's Gourds and Primitives.
I have recently had features in Create and Decorate the magazine and have upcoming features in next years magazines. I am so excited about all of this. I am hoping to get some pattern packets published as well as an instructional book of my own. So keep checking in this all takes a little time. I also belong to a group on the web called Olde Primitive Sisters....These are a great group of talented ladies whom enjoy what they do and take great pride in their work. You can visit them at www.oldprimitivesisters.com. There are a list of vendors just take a peak. My store name is listed as Grama's Gourds and Primitives.

In future posts I am hoping to show you things that I am working on. Step by steps. Some freebie patterns. Some how to's and tips on painting so enjoy and check back frequently to see what's going on. Have a great day.
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