Quote for the day!

Psalm 30:5 Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hump Day!

Oh goodness 2 more days till FRIDAY! Whewhoo. Well I sent out emails with my blog and my website and I get a message back from my Loving brother. What do I want your blog for What the heck is it? Hmmm well now he's going to peek in here and see that I wrote about him.
I have been scrubbing gourds in case anyone wants to know. I have tons of ideas I just need some time to put them on gourds. I like for my time to be quiet and alone for me to paint. It's like my own little world. No, one saying Mom i'm hungry, or can you cut my hair, or whatever it is that someone needs. I want some work time so to speak. Just so you know I haven't finished that window...I will and you'll be the first ones to see it...
Two more months and the magazine comes out. I am so excited I want to show you what I did but I can't. You'll just have to wait for the magazine. Create and Decorate. December issue. Well have a great day and I'll be back.
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