Quote for the day!

Psalm 30:5 Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Manic Monday!

Well good afternoon to all. Today is a beautiful breezy day here in Southern California. I have listed some items on Etsy and Old Primitive Sisters Marketplace. Just search Lakin on etsy and when you go to the website of Old Primitive Sisters Marketplace there you will find my items.
I have been drumming up ideas for more submissions. I am thinking of something with everyones favorite...A HO! HO! I am thinking of a gourd....We'll see fellow friends. If anyone has a request for something for me to paint please let me know.
Let me see if I can think of a tip for you painters...
I find that when painting with red if you use green as a base coat then paint your red you don't have to do as many coats. It also makes your red a little deeper.
Tea staining prims...this is good information I use coffee grounds as well as a tea bag. This makes a deeper staining. I boil my tea bag and coffee grounds and then dip my item in the soup de jour so to speak. You can also add vanilla for a light scent. If I want them to look a little older I put them in the oven on the lowest setting for about 10 minutes. If I see smoke I'm in trouble.
If you have some tips you would like to share feel free to leave them in the comment section and I will post them crediting you with the tip.
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